Bandera 50k Race Report

It's been just over two weeks since Bandera and I've already got my finish line goggles on. You know, like beer goggles, but instead of beer clouding your judgement, it's that elation of crossing the finish line that fools you into signing up for another race. Sometimes I wonder whether I'll ever have a hurt... Continue Reading →

Javelina Jundred 2018 Race Report

Sitting down to write this, I'm half-expecting Clippy to popup. "I see you're writing a race report 3 months after it happened. Need a hand?" "Probably", I would say. So why return to the blog with an oldish race when I've got a fresh, shiny WS 2020 lottery qualifier right in the rearview mirror? Because... Continue Reading →

Much Needed R&R

Post-50 miler life has been interesting, to say the least. Personally, we've solidified a date for our wedding, booked a venue for the wedding and reception, locked down a place to stay for the wedding, bought a wedding dress, and booked a photographer. Heath-wise, that cold I got the week before the race took 6+... Continue Reading →

Pacing for Revenge at Manitou’s Revenge

Ultra runners are fueled by testing their limits. Nothing about the sport is easy or even sane, but the pursuit of pushing our bodies to their absolute limits drives us forward. As we attempt new races, run different trails, and ramp up our training, our limits stretch further and further. We get new benchmarks to... Continue Reading →

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